


廣東仕誠書(shū)院發(fā)起的“我與流延的故事”征文活動(dòng),自發(fā)布之日起得到了國內外朋友的大力支持,社會(huì )各界投稿踴躍。日前,第二屆我與流延的故事”征文評審委員會(huì )已經(jīng)完成征文稿件的評選工作,從展播的稿件中選出了黃衛揚等8位作者的作品獲得征文大獎。

第二屆“我與流延的故事”征文頒獎儀式已于202311月舉辦第十八屆中國獅山行業(yè)峰會(huì )期間舉行,同時(shí)舉行《第二屆“我與流延的故事”獲獎?wù)魑募肥装l(fā)儀式。

自首屆“我與流延的故事”征文活動(dòng)啟動(dòng)以來(lái),得到了中外塑料行業(yè)同仁的好評,并得到了中國塑料加工工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )原會(huì )長(cháng)廖正品、廣東省塑料工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )名譽(yù)會(huì )長(cháng)符岸的高度肯定,認為征文活動(dòng)極具意義,可以豐富“流延人”的文化生活,陶冶“流延人”高尚情操。為此,仕誠書(shū)院決定舉辦第三屆“我與流延的故事”征文大賽,有關(guān)事宜安排如下:



三、征文時(shí)間: 即日起至2025531日止。




3、文章必須為原創(chuàng ),不得抄襲、套改。

五、 投稿方式:

以書(shū)面形式投稿,電子文檔可發(fā)送至ad@s-c.cn,紙質(zhì)文檔可郵寄至廣東仕誠書(shū)院(地址:廣東佛山南海區獅山科技工業(yè)園A區廣東仕誠公司 何考華老師 收)。

六、 獎項設置:







Since its release, the essay collection activity "My Story with Casting" coordinated by Guangdong Simcheng College has received strong support from friends at home and abroad. Submissions have come from a wide range of backgrounds. Earlier this month, the third "My Story with Casting" essay review committee concluded the selection of essay submissions, and 8 authors, including Huang Weiyang, were selected as winners.

In November 2023, the second "My Story with Casting" Essay Award Ceremony will take place during the 18th China Shishan Industry Summit, and the third "My Story with Casting" Award-winning Essay Collection will be launched at the same time.

The first essay collection activity, "My Story with Diaphragm," has received high praise from colleagues in the Chinese and foreign plastics industries, and has also received high praise from Liao Zhengpin, former president of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association, as well as Fu An, honorary president of the Guangdong Plastics Industry Association. This thesis collection activity is certainly of great importance, as it enriches the cultural life of the "Casting people" and cultivates their noble sentiments. Accordingly, Simcheng College has decided to hold the third "My Story with Casting" Essay Contest. Here are the relevant arrangements:

1. The theme of the essay contest is My Story with Casting.

2. The target audience for this presentation is plastics industry practitioners from around the world who are involved in casting.

3. The submission period is from now until May 31, 2025.

4. Requirements for the essay

4.1. The subject matter is in line with the characteristics of the plastics industry, the theme is "My Story and Casting", the emotion is real, the content is healthy, and it is relevant to work and everyday life.

4.2. The article genre is not limited: to prose, essay, novel, poetry, etc. It is recommended that the essay be between 600 and 1500 words in length.

4.3. All articles must be original and should not be plagiarized or altered in any way.

5.How to submit:

The essay should be submitted in written form. Electronic documents can be sent to ad@s-c.cn, and paper documents can be mailed to Guangdong Simcheng College (Address: Teacher He Kaohua, Guangdong Simcheng Company, Area A, Shishan Science and Technology Industrial Park, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong).


A first prize will be awarded (bonus of 30,000 yuan and exquisite souvenirs), two second prizes will be awarded (bonus of 10,000 yuan and exquisite souvenirs), and five third prizes will be awarded (bonus of 5,000 yuan and exquisite souvenirs). The results of the essay call will be announced on the website of Guangdong Simcheng Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. (http://www.cddtcx.com/) or on the WeChat public account of Simcheng College before September 30, 2025.

7.Simcheng College has the final interpretation right for this essay contest.

8.The person responsible for essay collection activities is He Kaohua, Tel: +86-757-81207008.


 Simcheng College                                                

 October 2023  



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電話(huà):0757-812070080757-81207000 郵箱:S-C@S-C.CN


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